Advisory Services
Ariton is continuously monitoring and analyzing all changes in the banking supervision/regulation and regulation of financial markets, including changes in the accounting standards (IAS / IFRS), both on the European level (EBA, ESMA) as well as on the national level (Czech National Bank, National Bank of Slovakia). Thanks to this approach Ariton can provide to its clients highly professional advisory services and knowledge that covers (but is not limited to) the following areas of regulation and regulatory reporting:
Capital Adequacy (Basel IV, CRR2 / CRD V, COREP, IFR / IFD),
Liquidity and Additional Monitoring Metrics, Net Stable Funding (LCR, ALMM, NSFR)
Financial Reporting (FINREP), Accounting Standards (IAS / IFRS)
Implementation of IFRS 9 and new FINREP
MiFID I, New Regulatory Reporting under MiFID II & MiFIR
AnaCredit, CRÚ, RBUZ
Central Register of Accounts (CEÚ)
Leverage Ratio (LR), Large Exposures (LE)
Encumbered Assets, Forbearance and Non-performing exposures (NPE / FBE)

Ariton provides and guarantees to its clients – banks, investment firms, securities traders and credit unions – complete and continuous automation of regulatory reporting, using its own software solution – FinLink System. When providing these services, Ariton is operating on the edge of full outsourcing, taking over almost full methodical and technical responsibility. Ariton is following related changes in legal framework and reporting requirements, helping clients understand and evaluate impact of these changes, and at the same time ensures that the reporting solution is updated in timely manner to reflect all regulatory changes. Thanks to perfect knowledge of clients’ environments (processes, methodical procedures, IT systems, data sources,…) Ariton offers/lends its experts to the clients to process their reporting requirements.
Regulatory Reporting


Risk Management and Corporate Reporting
Services and solutions of Ariton are not limited to the area of regulation and regulatory reporting. As part of its services, Ariton is helping its clients to design, implement and maintain consistent data sources that can be used across the whole institution to cover any information needs of the clients. Ariton is thus – besides other things – providing automated processing of consolidated reporting and reporting to the parent company, as well as complete and automated processing of annual reports that are subject to auditing requirements. Furthermore, clients use services and solutions of Ariton in the area of risk management, capital adequacy, design of internal policies and methodical procedures, or even processing of accounting information.